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Can pregnant women eat golgappa?

Avantika Singh, June 19 2024

Are you carving the tangy and delicious flavors of gol gappe during your pregnancy? Well, you are not alone! Gol Gappa is one of the popular street food pregnancy snacks, known for its burst of spicy flavors and mouth-watering taste. However, as an expectant mother, you may find yourself wondering whether you should add it to your pregnancy

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Can We Eat Momos During Pregnancy?

Avantika Singh, June 10 2024

Momos are a favorite for all of us. It’s also a common snack that a lot of women crave during their pregnancy. However, is it safe to have momos during pregnancy? Generally, it is advisable to avoid fried food and junk food during pregnancy. However, with the use of quality ingredients and the right preparation techniques, momos can be indulged...

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Methi Leaves in Pregnancy

Avantika Singh, May 31 2024

Fenugreek or methi has many health benefits, but an excess of it can be harmful during pregnancy. Although everyone knows that methi is a nutritious vegetable, it is thought to be controversial for pregnant women to consume. There are several benefits and drawbacks to consuming methi leaves during

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What To Do When Low Blood Pressure During Pregnancy?

Avantika Singh, May 14 2024

Pregnancy causes many changes in a woman’s body, including weight gain, hormonal fluctuation, increased food cravings, etc. It is a complete hormonal process that starts with the fertilization of the egg by a male sperm. It changes the body in a way that requires more resources to

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How To Deal With Nosebleeds During Pregnancy?

Avantika Singh, April 16 2024

Just when you thought you had experienced every symptom of pregnancy – you encountered an unexpected one – a nosebleed! Nosebleeds during pregnancy might scare you at first, but remember, they are pretty common during pregnancy. While nosebleeds during pregnancy can be annoying, it's definitely treatable. Read on to learn the causes and some...

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5 Things to Know About Umbilical Cord

Avantika Singh, March 3 2024

The umbilical cord functions as a lifeline between mother and infant while pregnant. What several might not understand is that it has abundant resources of hematopoietic stem cells that are known for their potential to deal with different conditions. Let's understand the five things that every individual should know about the powerful umbilical...

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Is Having a Watery Discharge During Pregnancy Normal?

Avantika Singh, February 29 2024

Many patients ask about discharge during pregnancy. Physiologically, the vaginal glands are known to secrete a certain amount of clear, odorless, white secretion. Discharge/amount varies depending on many factors, including different stages of menopause. White discharge during pregnancy is mainly due to increased secretion of estrogen, so it is...

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Tips to Increase Chances of Normal Delivery

Avantika Singh, February 19 2024

Pregnancy is a significant period in a woman’s life, and all mothers-to-be want an easy and safe childbirth. Normal Delivery is considered a vaginal birth and the most common method of giving birth naturally. This expulsion of the foetus from the womb through the vagina is called

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List of Pregnancy Complications

Avantika Singh, January 30 2024

Pregnancy is an exciting time in every woman's life, not only for women but in a couple's life. However, the pregnancy journey comprises its ups and downs, and by downs, we hint at pregnancy complications. Now, you might do everything in your power to avoid pregnancy complications; however, it is impossible to avoid their chances. Let's...

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What is the Best Time to Drink Saffron Milk during Pregnancy?

Avantika Singh, January 22 2024

Consumption of saffron milk during pregnancy is a widely recommended age-old practice in India and many other countries. The main reason why it is a traditional practice that is still followed today is the lure of having a healthy baby with a fair complexion. Besides this myth, saffron milk has specific health benefits, as researched by...

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