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Avantika Singh, June 10 2024

Can We Eat Momos During Pregnancy?

Momos are a favorite for all of us. It’s also a common snack that a lot of women crave during their pregnancy. However, is it safe to have momos during pregnancy? Generally, it is advisable to avoid fried food and junk food during pregnancy. However, with the use of quality ingredients and the right preparation techniques, momos can be indulged in once in a while, even during pregnancy.

Is It Okay to Have Momos During Pregnancy?

Balancing the health benefits of momos from the risks associated with them is one of the most important things to consider. Although chicken or meat-based momos offer nutrients such as protein and vitamins, eating them from street vendors will present safety and hygiene challenges. Besides this, there are other momos side effects that you should be aware of.

If you are pregnant or planning to conceive, it’s essential to monitor your diet closely. Use the pregnancy calculator below to estimate your due date and track the different stages of your pregnancy. This can help you make informed decisions about your dietary choices, including the consumption of momos.

Considering Momos Side Effects

It is necessary to be vigilant to prevent foodborne illnesses since pregnant women are immunocompromised and more vulnerable to infections. Although momos may look good, especially when you are craving them, it has certain health risks if included in your pregnancy diet and eaten excessively:

The outer shell of momos is normally made of gluten. It could lead to digestive issues, which pregnant women are more susceptible to. However, you can use alternate options like rice flour to prepare momos at home to reduce the risks.

Momos also have a high content of salts, which can lead to spikes in blood pressure. This spike can even lead to preeclampsia, a condition that can be detrimental to your and your baby’s health. 

If momos are not cooked or stored properly, they can lead to foodborne infections. To lower the chances of infections, prepare momos at home with quality ingredients.

Momos are an unhealthy food option as they lack the required nutrients. You can add plenty of fresh vegetables to your homemade momos and supplement your diet with other healthy food options. 

Momos are a popular junk food. Those available from outside restaurants and food trucks can pose significant risks as their hygiene standards, ingredient qualities, and cooking methods are not regulated. 

Healthy Pregnancy Tips: How To Make Momos Healthier?

Pregnancy cravings can be very tempting. Despite the disadvantages of including momos in your pregnancy diet, this fast food can be made healthy.


One of the best healthy pregnancy tips to follow is to avoid excessive consumption of fast food, especially if they are not cooked under your supervision. The first trimester is the most vulnerable period for your baby. You can use a reliable pregnancy calculator to monitor your baby and plan a nutritious and well-balanced diet.

Similar to exercising precaution while pregnant, you can even take the help of stem cell preservation techniques to ensure a brighter future for your child once it is born. Cryoviva, a leading stem cell preservation company in india, can help your little one fight against harmful medical conditions. Contact us today and learn more about the services we offer!

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Avantika Singh


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