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Cryoviva biotech

pvt ltd.

Avantika Singh, July 2 2023

Is Cord Blood Stem Cell Banking Worthy?

Every pregnancy journey comes with many choices to make as responsible parents. One of those difficult propositions – Is stem cell banking worth the hype? The short answer is yes. Placenta is a miracle organ vital in nourishing the fetus within the uterus. The placenta encompasses several stem cells from diffident origins.

These stem cells can potentially secure the baby's future health when treating various illnesses and regenerating damaged tissues through transplantation. Are you not still convinced? Scroll on to unveil more facts about stem cell banking!

Placenta is the Powerhouse of Stem Cells

Placenta emotion stem cells with both material and fraternal origin. The fraternal origin has an amnion, chorion, and umbilical cord, whereas the maternal side has a decidua. Hence, the stem cells derived from the umbilical cord will be a potential source with extensive clinical applications.

The blood from the placenta can be collected easily after delivery with no risk or pain to the mother and baby. Experts have proved that these stem cells play a vital role in treating various blood disorders and different types of cancer.

Advantages of Stem Cell Banking

Placenta stem cells serve as the building blocks of life. Hence, if you plan to invest in stem cell banking then here are some benefits you must be aware of:

Wrapping Up!

Cryoviva India the leading stem cell bank in India, uses advanced technologies to collect your baby’s umbilical cord blood and stem cell ties, preserving them in the secured ecosystem for potential medical applications in the future.

Written by

Avantika Singh

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